The interview for Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) at Oxford is a crucial step in the admissions process, designed to assess your critical thinking, analytical skills, and ability to engage with complex ideas. During the interview, you’ll be presented with challenging questions that require you to articulate your thoughts clearly and demonstrate your understanding of new and novel concepts. Interviewers are interested in your reasoning and how you approach problems, so it's essential to prepare thoroughly and practice articulating your ideas confidently with a mock interview!

What are Oxford PPE interview questions?
What in the context of making is cup of tea, something you do on purpose and what by accident?
To what extent can we make moral judgements on other cultures?
If you could save five people by sacrificing one, would you do it? Why or why not?"
What should be the limits on free speech in a democratic society?
What is the purpose of a state?
Is the EU an empire?
How would you solve the UK’s housing crisis?
How might the discover of oil impact the development of a country both politically and economically?
What is an excludable but non-rivalry good and should it be considered a public good?
How does the mock interview service work?
We offer all of our potential mock interview students a free consultation with one of our team of senior tutors. This is to allow them to explain what they are looking for for their mock interviews. The senior tutor will then chat to our network of Oxbridge Educated tutors to find a perfect group of tutors each of whom will each run their own interview in a slightly different but realistic style.
After each interview the student will receive both verbal and written feedback outlining what they did well and crucially, what they could do better.
We believe each student requires a bespoke, personalised service. We therefore don't require to students commit to any number of interviews before they start, but rather only until they feel confident they can do well in the interview!